

The Thrivival blog explores the intangible elements of multi-dimensional reality, including spirituality, creativity, infinity, eternity, and unity—all in the now

Though some of the thoughts are self-contained, many are connected through themes into Thrivival Series. All Thrivival thoughts endeavour to express visionary activism—dreaming a new world into manifestation. We hope you enjoy exploring Thrivival with us—and discover that it is a safe place to land.

Most Recent Thrivival Thoughts

The Novel "Life By Fire" CommentaryThoughts

Interval Writing

I’ve read a great deal about the value of Interval Training in exercise and highly recommend it (despite rarely doing it). For instance, if one runs (which I don’t, if I can help it), interval training would involve alternating between short, intense, full-out sprints, and slow, steady recovery jogs in one training session. I’ve realized that the same habits that I’ve applied (or haven’t but should) to exercise also apply to writing.


The Novel "Life by Fire"Death by Water

Foundations Shifted

1942: Dreizehnlinden / Papuan, Santa Catarina, Brazil: In August 1942, a single German submarine sunk five Brazilian vessels in two days, causing more than six hundred deaths and leading Brazil to declare war on the Axis on August 22, 1942. That’s when the war truly reached Dreizehnlinden, forever shifting its foundations.


The Novel "Life by Fire"Death by Water

Foundations Laid

1933 – 1939: Dreizehnlinden, Santa Catarina, Brazil: By the time Gisa grew old enough to go to school, the rudimentary communal barracks had transformed into small neat houses and productive farms, and the settlement of Dreizehnlinden into a community complete with a church and a store, as well as a school.