You’ve Got GRIT—Going Right Into Trepidation
Finding your voice to calmly speak your truth requires Going Right Into Trepidation.
Symbolized by the star tetrahedron, aligned with the solar plexus chakra, and governing the universal Law of Polarity, Metal incites courage.
Perceived through the mind, Metal rallies us to rise up against tyranny and injustice, to break down old patterns that no longer serve us, and rebuild societal norms—spiritual alchemy—Iron sharpens iron.
All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.
Finding your voice to calmly speak your truth requires Going Right Into Trepidation.
How I finally arrived at Thrivival, a metaphysical place where comfort and freedom reside. Please join me.
Are you dauntless? Becoming your true self requires some courage.
What happens when you remove all impediments but your own fear?
Like so many Canadians, I received the news back in May of Gord’s illness with sadness. But, as time passed and momentum built toward their final concert in Kingston, my emotions changed. Frustration has replaced my sadness. Let me tell you why…
What’s stopping you from doing what you want to do in 2016? Time? Money? Energy? What about fear? Mindfields and Terror Barriers—what are they and how to overcome them?
Formulated based on lessons repeated again and again and still only partially learned the hard way.