Grounding Down


Symbolized by the hexahedron, aligned with the root chakra, and governing the universal Law of Cause & Effect, Earth situates us within the physical body.

Embodied through each individual breath, Earth beckons us to ground ourselves to terra firma, reconnecting with the natural world.

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,
there is a field. I’ll meet you there.
When the soul lies down in that grass,
the world is too full, to talk about.

~ Rumi

Reflections on GROUNDING DOWN

Grounding Down,

Pumpkin Beef Chili

Where do Jack-o-Lanterns go for Dinner? Halloween came and went, leaving us sick of sweets and craving some real, hearty, stomach-warming food. Our choice of Pumpkin Beef Chili stemmed from two simultaneous predicaments: A very large pumpkin carved like a cat and an excess of ground beef.


Grounding Down,

Making Sauerkraut

Sauerkraut is delicious and extremely nutritious. This traditionally preserved "lactic acid fermented" food is full of health-promoting "good" probiotic bacteria that keeps our guts healthy. And it's sooooo easy to make!