The Space Between
What happens when we find the space to sit within the ‘now’ and feel deeply? Can we warp time and enact consciousness? It’s all in the present’s breathwork!
Symbolized by the dodecahedron, aligned with the crown chakra, and governing the universal Law of the Perpetual Transmutation of Energy, Aether transcends physical reality.
Perceived through the spirit as divine source, harmonious and whole, Aether arises from elemental reality in the eternal now—unity consciousness—I AM.
“The One is the All.”
Nothing real can be threatened.
Nothing unreal exists.
Herein lies the peace of God.
What happens when we find the space to sit within the ‘now’ and feel deeply? Can we warp time and enact consciousness? It’s all in the present’s breathwork!
Remembering and celebrating the life of Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, April 1939 - January 15, 2022, dear Ho’oponopono guide and mentor.
Your truth, your voice, your knowingness is the most powerful gift you have.
Where does our journey end? ...And begin? Meet me in the middle and we will become enlightened together. Yo soy el punto.
Some books you read once, enjoy, and move on. Other books, you could read daily for your entire life and continue to reap new benefits. Nevelle Goddard’s The Power of Awareness is so profound, so powerful, it earns a place in that exceptional “other” category.